A small glass bead charged to 5.0 nC is in the plane that bisects a thin, uniformly charged, 10-cm-long glass rod and is 4.0 cm from the rod


A small glass bead charged to 5.0 nC is in the plane that bisects a thin, uniformly charged, 10-cm-long glass rod and is 4.0 cm from the rod’s center. The bead is repelled from the rod with a force of 910 N. What is the total charge on the rod?

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Thu Giang 3 years 2021-08-08T12:58:05+00:00 1 Answers 24 views 0

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    Let B= bead

    Q = rod

    the electric field at the glass bead pocation is

    (Gauss theorem)

    E = Q / (2 π d L εo)

    the force is

    F = q E = q Q / (2 π d L εo)


    Q = 2 π d L εo F / q

    Q = 2*3.14*4×10^-2*10^-1*8.85×10^-12*910×10^-4 / 5×10^-9 = 2.87×10^-8 C = 40.5 nC

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