A scientist was tracking the diving patterns of whales. A whale was at a depth of 3 meters below sea level and then dove an amount of ten me


A scientist was tracking the diving patterns of whales. A whale was at a depth of 3 meters below sea level and then dove an amount of ten meters twice before ascending four meters. The scientist noted that the whale’s current depth in relation to sea level was -16 m. What error did the scientist make?

A The scientist used a negative amount when it should be positive. The correct answer is 16 m.

B The scientist did not include the whale’s starting depth. The correct answer is -19 m.

C The scientist needed to add all the amounts together. The correct answer is -27 m.

D The scientist did not make an error. The correct answer is -16 m.

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Adela 3 years 2021-07-27T11:09:41+00:00 1 Answers 14 views 0

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    I think the answer is b

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