A player kicks a soccer ball in a high arc toward the opponent’s goal. When the soccer ball reaches its maximum height, how does its speed a


A player kicks a soccer ball in a high arc toward the opponent’s goal. When the soccer ball reaches its maximum height, how does its speed at this point compare to its initial speed

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Acacia 3 years 2021-08-26T01:00:34+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    The speed of the soccer ball at height point is less than its initial speed


    The initial velocity of the soccer can be written in vector form as

    v_{i = v cos θ î + v sin θ j

    where v_{i  is initial velocity of the ball

               v is the initial speed of the ball

    Assume soccer ball is kicked at an angle θ with an horizontal and initial speed vm/s. Its horizontal component will be as,

    v_{x} = v cos θ

    v_{y} = v sin θ

    At the maximum height, the vertical component becomes zero. therefore, the velocity of the soccer at the maximum point can be written as,

    v_{m} = v cos θ j

    where, v_{m} is velocity of the soccer ball at maximum height

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