A glass flask whose volume is 1000 cm3 at a temperature of 1.00 ∘C is completely filled with mercury at the same temperature. When the flas


A glass flask whose volume is 1000 cm3 at a temperature of 1.00 ∘C is completely filled with mercury at the same temperature. When the flask and mercury are warmed together to a temperature of 52.0 ∘C , a volume of 8.25 cm3 of mercury overflows the flask.If the coefficient of volume expansion of mercury is 18.0×10−5K−118.0×10 compute the coefficient of volume expansion of the glass.

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RuslanHeatt 3 years 2021-07-16T00:54:40+00:00 1 Answers 34 views 0

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    1.8\times 10^{-5}/K


    Volume of glass flask,V_0=1000 cm^3

    T_1=1.00^{\circ} C

    T_2=52.0^{\circ} C

    Over flow\Delta V=8.25 cm^3

    Coefficient of mercury=\beta_{Hg}=18.0\times 10^{-5}/K

    \Delta V_{Hg}=\beta_{Hg}V_0(T_2-T_1)=18\times 10^{-5}\times 1000\times (52-1)

    \Delta V_{Hg}=9.18 cm^3

    \Delta_{gass}=\Delta V-\Delta_{Hg}=9.18-8.25=0.93 cm^3

    \beta_{gass}=\frac{\Delta V_{gass}}{V_0(T_2-T_1)}

    \beta_{gass}=\frac{0.93}{1000\times (52-1)}

    \beta_{gass}=1.8\times 10^{-5}/K

    Hence, the coefficient of volume expansion of the glass=1.8\times 10^{-5}/^{\circ} C

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