a football player starts from rest and speeds up to a final velocity of 12 m/s. the speeding up takes a total of 6 seconds. what is the foot


a football player starts from rest and speeds up to a final velocity of 12 m/s. the speeding up takes a total of 6 seconds. what is the football players acceleration

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Eirian 3 years 2021-08-09T14:15:57+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    2 m/s²


    From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

    Initial velocity (u) = 0 m/s

    Final velocity (v) = 12 m/s

    Time (t) = 6 s

    Acceleration (a) =?

    The acceleration of the player can be obtained as follow:

    v = u + at

    12 = 0 + (a × 6)

    12 = 6a

    Divide both side by 6

    a = 12 / 6

    a = 2 m/s²

    Thus, the acceleration of the player is 2 m/s²

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