A dimension is a physical nature of a quantity. (i) give two (2) limitations of dimensional analysis.. (ii) if velocity (v), time


A dimension is a physical nature of a quantity.
(i) give two (2) limitations of dimensional analysis..
(ii) if velocity (v), time (T) and force (F) were chosen as basic quantities, find the dimensions of mass?​

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Thông Đạt 4 years 2021-08-29T12:25:50+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    i) A dimension is the physical nature of a quantity. The two limitations of dimensional analysis is as following:

    • Dimesnional analysis is unable to derive relation when a physical quantity depends on more than three factors with dimensions.
    • It is unable to derive a formula that contain exponential function, trigonometric function, and logarithmic function.

    ii) Given:

    Velocity = v

    Time = t

    Force = F

    Force = mass x acceleration

             = mass x velocity/time

    So, mass= (force x time) / velocity

    [mass] = Ftv^-1

    Hence, dimesnion of mass is Ftv^-1.

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