a) Define complementary events and give an example. b) Enunciate demerits of classical probability


a) Define complementary events and give an example.
b) Enunciate demerits of classical probability

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-07-29T20:54:36+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    a)Two events are said to be complementary when one event occurs if and only if the other does not. The probabilities of two complimentary events add up to 1. For example, rolling a 5 or greater and rolling a 4 or less on a die are complementary events, because a roll is 5 or greater if and only if it is not 4 or less.

    b)It cannot handle events with an infinite number of possible outcomes. It also cannot handle events where each outcome is not equally-likely, such as throwing a weighted die.

    hopes it helps!!!

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