A cork weigh 2.5 gf in air. When tied to a sinker , the total weight is 20 gf in water. If the sinker alone weighs 25gf in water, find the d


A cork weigh 2.5 gf in air. When tied to a sinker , the total weight is 20 gf in water. If the sinker alone weighs 25gf in water, find the density of the cork

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Amity 3 years 2021-09-02T01:45:48+00:00 1 Answers 0 views 0

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    Weight of the sinker in water = 25gf

    Weight of cork in air and sinker in water = 25gf + 2.5gf

    = 27.5gf

    Weight of the cork and sinker in water = 20gf

    Loss of weight of cork in water = 27.5- 20 = 7.5gf

    Rd of cork = weight of cork in air/ loss of weight of cork in water

    = 2.5/7.5

    = 1/3

    = 0.333

    Hence the Relative density of the cork is 0.333

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