A coffee shop worker is putting 18 pounds of coffee into 0.25-pound bags. How many small bags of coffee can the worker make?


A coffee shop worker is putting 18 pounds of coffee into 0.25-pound bags. How many small bags of coffee can the worker make?

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RI SƠ 3 years 2021-09-04T16:32:34+00:00 2 Answers 20 views 0

Answers ( )

  1. Answer:

    72 lb bags

    Step-by-step explanation:

    18 / 0.25 = 72 bags 😀


    The answer is 72 bags. How you solve the problem is you take your first value (which is present within your problem) and divide that number by your second value (also present within your problem).

    So divide 18 by 0.25.

    18 / 0.25 = 72

    If this isn’t correct, then I’d suggestion multiplying the values. For example:

    0.25 * 18 = 4.5

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