A certain drug is made from only two ingredients: compound A and compound B. There are 5 milliliters of compound A used for every 3 millilit


A certain drug is made from only two ingredients: compound A and compound B. There are 5 milliliters of compound A used for every 3 milliliters of compound B. If a chemist wants to make 656 milliliters of the drug, how many milliliters of compound A are needed?

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Hải Đăng 3 years 2021-08-31T07:48:38+00:00 1 Answers 0 views 0

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    Answer:    410 mL



    The ratio of A to B is 5:3

    Multiply both parts by x to get 5x:3x

    We need 5x parts of A and 3x parts of B

    Adding those parts should get us 656 mL total

    A+B = total

    5x+3x = 656

    8x = 656

    x = 656/8

    x = 82

    Therefore, we need 5x = 5*82 = 410 mL of compound A

    Also, we need 3x = 3*82 = 246 mL of compound B

    In total, we have A+B = 410+246 = 656 mL which helps confirm the answer.


    Side note: The ratio  410:246 reduces to 5:3 after dividing both parts by 82.

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