A 70.0 kg man jumping from a window lands in an elevated fire rescue net 11.0 m below the window. He momentarily stops when he has stretched


A 70.0 kg man jumping from a window lands in an elevated fire rescue net 11.0 m below the window. He momentarily stops when he has stretched the net by 1.50 m. Assuming that mechanical energy is conserved during this process and that the net functions like an ideal spring, find the elastic potential energy of the net when it is stretched by 1.50 m. (10 pts)

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Diễm Kiều 3 years 2021-07-22T22:32:54+00:00 1 Answers 21 views 0

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    70.15 Joule


    mass of man, m = 70 kg

    intial length, l = 11 m

    extension, Δl = 1.5 m

    Let K is the spring constant.

    In the equilibrium position

    mg = K l

    70 x 9.8 = K x 11

    K = 62.36 N/m

    Potential energy stored, U = 0.5 x K x Δl²

    U = 0.5 x 62.36 x 1.5 x 1.5

    U = 70.15 Joule

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