A 56.0 kg diver strikes the water at a speed of 13.9 m/s, then slows to a stop underwater in 0.65 s What is the momentum of the diver as she


A 56.0 kg diver strikes the water at a speed of 13.9 m/s, then slows to a stop underwater in 0.65 s What is the momentum of the diver as she strikes the water?

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Huyền Thanh 3 years 2021-08-06T22:18:59+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    the momentum of the diver is 778.4 m/s.



    mass of the diver, m = 56 kg

    speed at which the diver strikes the water, v = 13.9 m/s

    duration of the motion, t = 0.65 s

    The momentum of the diver is calculated as follows;

    P = mv

    P = 56 x 13.9

    P = 778.4 m/s

    Therefore, the momentum of the diver is 778.4 m/s.

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