A 200 foot string attached to a kite makes a 65* angle with the ground. What is the height of the kite to the nearest tenth


A 200 foot string attached to a kite makes a 65* angle with the ground. What is the height of the kite to the nearest tenth

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RI SƠ 3 years 2021-08-16T22:39:55+00:00 2 Answers 13 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    sin (65) = opp/200

    200 sin (65) = opp

    ans: 181.3ft




    Step-by-step explanation:

    I bet you heard of Trigonometric identities. I hope you know what SOH CAH TOA means. The angle of elevation would be the angle between the string and the straight line. What does that mean? that means that we need to find the line opposite to the angle which we have the angle and the hypotenuse. Why is the kite string the hypotenuse? Because it is the longest line (just look at the picture and it will seem apparent).

    Which trig identity should we use? Since we need the opposite (O) and we have the hypotenuse (H). How? Let me show you;

    sine (angle) = (Opposite)/(Hypotenuse)

    sine (65) = Opp./ (200)

    multiply by 200 to isolate Opp. on one side.

    Opp. = sine (65) * (200ft)

    Opp. = 181.262 ft.  (Make sure to use degrees on your calculator)

    So the answer is 181.3 ft.

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