2. Using the solar system data in the reference table, rank the following pairs of planets according to the gravitational


2. Using the solar system data in the
reference table, rank the following
pairs of planets according to the
gravitational force they exert on
each other, from least to greatest.
Specifically indicate any ties.
Mass. Average radius
(kgÅ~1024). (mÅ~106)
Mercury. 0.330. 2.44
Venus 4.87 6.05
Earth 5.97 6.38
Jupiter 1899 71.5
Saturn 569 60.3

A. Mercury and Venus, when
5.0Å~107 km apart

B. Jupiter and Saturn, when
6.6Å~108 km apart

C. Jupiter and Earth, when
6.3Å~108 km apart

D. Mercury and Earth, when
9.2Å~107 km apart

E. Jupiter and Mercury, when
7.2Å~108 km apart

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Sapo 3 years 2021-08-25T17:39:18+00:00 2 Answers 90 views 0

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    A. Mercury and Venus, when

    5.0Å~107 km apart


    thankew 人(◕ᴗ◕✿)❤️

    to all who liked my answers

    plsssssssssss flw

    can anyone pls flw me who aren’t flwing



    I’m pretty sure the answer would be C.

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