2. Problem Scenario Your New Year’s resolution is to save enough money to buy a new bike. You decide to put $1 away on the first day of the


2. Problem Scenario Your New Year’s resolution is to save enough money to buy a new bike. You decide to put $1 away on the first day of the year, $2 on the second day, $3 on the third day, $4 on the fourth day and so on. How much money will you have after 30 days? Problem Solving Mat

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Hải Đăng 3 years 2021-08-19T04:13:27+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    Answer: $465
    it’s just 1+2+3+4……

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Giải phương trình 1 ẩn: x + 2 - 2(x + 1) = -x . Hỏi x = ? ( )