1″ if i were you, i would buy a new car, harry.”,he said –>he advised 2 it’s two years since i last spoke to her –> i


1″ if i were you, i would buy a new car, harry.”,he said
–>he advised
2 it’s two years since i last spoke to her
–> i

in progress 0
Helga 4 years 2020-10-21T05:44:54+00:00 3 Answers 104 views 0

Answers ( )


    1″ if i were you, i would buy a new car, harry.”,he said –>he advised Harry to by a new car.2 it’s two years since i last spoke to her –> i have not spoke to her for two years


    1. He advised Harry to buy a new car

    2. I haven’t spoken to her for two 2 years


    Để tìm câu trả lời chính xác các em hãy tham khảo if i were you i would các nguồn hoc24.vn, lazi.vn, hoidap247.com để thầy cô và các chuyên gia hỗ trợ các em nhé!

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