Kathy owns her own business selling homemade jam. Each jar of jam weighs 18 ounces. The box she mails the jam in weighs 6 ounces. How many j


Kathy owns her own business selling homemade jam. Each jar of jam weighs 18 ounces. The box she mails the jam in weighs 6 ounces. How many jars of jam are in a package that weighs 150 ounces? Show all work necessary to justify your answer.

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bonexptip 3 years 2021-08-23T12:15:05+00:00 1 Answers 4 views 0

Answers ( )


    Answer: There are 8 jars in the package.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given: Weight of each jar = 18 ounces

    Weight of box = 6 ounces

    If weight of package = 150 ounces , then the weight of all jars (only) = 150-6 ounces = 144 ounces

    Number of jars = (Weight of all jars) ÷ (Weight of each jar)

    = (144 ÷ 18)

    = 8

    Hence, there are 8 jars in the package.

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