In the dangerous “sport” of bungee-jumping, a daring student jumps from a balloon with a specially designed elastic cord attached to his wai


In the dangerous “sport” of bungee-jumping, a daring student jumps from a balloon with a specially designed elastic cord attached to his waist. The unstretched length of the cord is 23.4 m, the student weighs 818 N, and the balloon is 31.3 m above the surface of a river below. Calculate the required force constant of the cord if the student is to stop safely 2.74 m above the river. Answer in units of N/m.

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Thanh Hà 3 years 2021-09-02T13:18:52+00:00 1 Answers 12 views 0

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    k = 1755 N/m



    – The length of the cord L = 23.4 m

    – Weight of the student W = 818 N

    – The elevation of balloon H = 31.3 m


    Calculate the required force constant of the cord if the student is to stop safely 2.74 m above the river.


    – We know the potential energy of the student changes by  

                          ΔP.E = m*g*( H – 2.74 )

                          mg*(31.3 – 2.74) = 818*28.56 = 23362.08 J

    – When he stops at 2.74 m above ground his KE = 0 so ALL his lost potential energy must be stored in the extended or stretched bungee cord.

    – He falls 23.4 m before the bungee cord starts to stretch. That means it doesn’t start stretching until he is 31.3 – 23.4 = 7.9 m above the ground.  

    – It has to stop  stretching at 2.74 m above the ground so the

                                    total stretch = 7.9 – 2.74 = 5.16 m

    – Therefore his PE from 31.3 m to 2.74 m is stored in a 5.16 m stretch of the bungee cord.                      

                                    ½kx² =  ΔP.E

                                    k = 2*ΔP.E / x^2

                                    k = 2*23362.08 / 5.16^2

                                    k = 1755 N/m

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