if there are twelve apples and someone takes -24 how many apples will there be left


if there are twelve apples and someone takes -24 how many apples will there be left

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niczorrrr 3 years 2021-09-04T10:45:49+00:00 2 Answers 1 views 0

Answers ( )


    Equation = 12 – -24 = ?

    After keep, change, flip: 12 + 24 = ?

    Answer = 36

  1. Wait someone takes negative 24 or just 24?

    If negative then it would be 36

    If positive then it would be -12

    Hope this helps! 🙂

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Giải phương trình 1 ẩn: x + 2 - 2(x + 1) = -x . Hỏi x = ? ( )