If the domain of the coordinate transformation (, ) = ( + 2,− − 4) is (1, -4), (3, -2), (0, −1), what is the range? A. (-2, -5),


If the domain of the coordinate transformation (, ) = ( + 2,− − 4) is (1, -4), (3, -2), (0, −1), what is the range?

A. (-2, -5), (0, -7), (1, -4)

B. (0, 3), (-2, 5), (-3, 2)

C. (3, 0), (5, -2), (2, -3)

D. (-5, -2), (-7, 0), (-4, 1)

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Delwyn 3 years 2021-07-31T11:04:52+00:00 1 Answers 14 views 0

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    A. (-2, -5), (0, -7), (1, -4)

    Step-by-step explanation:

    The following transformation is applied:

    (x,y) \rightarrow (y + 2, -x - 4)

    To find the range:

    We apply the transformation to the points in the domain. Thus:

    (1,-4) \rightarrow (-4 + 2, -1 - 4) = (-2, -5)

    (3,-2) \rightarrow (-2 + 2, -3 - 4) = (0, -7)

    (0,-1) \rightarrow (-1 + 2, 0 - 4) = (1, -4)

    Thus the correct answer is given by option a.

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Giải phương trình 1 ẩn: x + 2 - 2(x + 1) = -x . Hỏi x = ? ( )