Gemma recently rode her bicycle to visit her friend who lives 6 miles away. On her way there, her average speed was 16 miles per hour faster


Gemma recently rode her bicycle to visit her friend who lives 6 miles away. On her way there, her average speed was 16 miles per hour faster than on her way home. If Gemma spent a total of 1 hour bicycle, find the two rates.

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Xavia 3 years 2021-08-01T19:34:27+00:00 1 Answers 13 views 0

Answers ( )


    first speed — x mph

    return speed — x+16 mph

    6/x + 6/(x+16) = 1

    times each term by x(x+16)

    6(x+16) + 6x = x(x+16)

    x^2 + 4x – 96 = 0

    (x-8)(x+12) = 0

    x = 8 or x is a negative

    her first speed was 8 mph

    her return speed was 24 mph


    6/8 + 6/24 = 1 , that’s good!

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Giải phương trình 1 ẩn: x + 2 - 2(x + 1) = -x . Hỏi x = ? ( )