For this task, you will consider the information you have researched so far, conduct further research, create a thesis, and write a one-page


For this task, you will consider the information you have researched so far, conduct further research, create a thesis, and write a one-page research paper based on your research and thesis. Your research and thesis should address the following prompt: How should Florida address its growing energy demands, and what energy sources should the state focus on in the future? Consider the energy options available in Florida, the pros and cons of various energy sources, as well as concepts such as energy conservation.

In the next steps, you will conduct further research, form a thesis, and write a one-page research paper based on your findings and opinions.

a. Select a topic. Before creating your report, understand the purpose, process, and goals of a research assignment.

The first step in writing a research paper is to select a topic; in this assignment your topic should focus on issues related to energy production and consumption in Florida.
Begin brainstorming ideas by thinking about your prior knowledge of the topic.
Try engaging in preliminary research to help select a relevant, interesting topic.
b. Choose a thesis statement. Begin thinking about the stance or viewpoint that your writing will take. Once you have a general idea of your opinion, develop a thesis statement, or the main idea of an essay that includes the topic and the viewpoint.

Make sure that the thesis is relevant to the topic and assignment.
Keep in mind that as you continue researching and begin writing, your thesis may change slightly from your original idea.
Check with your teacher to make sure that the topic you chose is appropriate and feasible.
c. Gather sources. Next, begin gathering and organizing additional sources to build your argument. It is important to understand the purpose of your research. Evaluate each source, and consider these questions:

Who authored the document?
What is the purpose of the document?
When was the document written?
How will this document help your argument?
d. Develop your position. Now that you have analyzed sources to use as evidence, revisit the essay topic. Then develop your report with these factors in mind:

Create an outline to help organize the structure of your report.
Your thesis should be well-supported by your research.
Match the evidence in your sources to the points in your report.
Articulate any solutions you may think are relevant to deal with the energy issues in Florida.
e. Write your first draft. Write a one-page research paper on your selected topic. As you write your paper, use quotations from and summaries of your sources to support your argument.

To avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite your sources properly with in-text citations and a works cited page.
f. Proofread and Revise. When you are finished writing your first draft, reread your essay to check for all of the points above, and then proofread and revise to be sure your work doesn’t contain errors in grammar, spelling, logic, or cohesion. Finally, develop a final draft that is polished and ready to be turned in. Nice work!

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Diễm Thu 3 years 2021-07-17T03:15:38+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

Answers ( )



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    Review the seven questions. Write a few sentences summarizing what you already know about these topics.


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