does the point (-4, 2) lie inside or outside or on the circle x^2 + y^2 = 25?​ ​


does the point (-4, 2) lie inside or outside or on the circle x^2 + y^2 = 25?​

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Dâu 3 years 2021-08-02T10:52:25+00:00 2 Answers 7 views 0

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    These points lie INSIDE THE CIRCLE

    hope it helps

    have a nice day


    Given equation of the Circle is ,

    \sf\implies x^2 + y^2 = 25

    And we need to tell that whether the point (-4,2) lies inside or outside the circle. On converting the equation into Standard form and determinimg the centre of the circle as ,

    \sf\implies (x-0)^2 +( y-0)^2 = 5 ^2

    Here we can say that ,

    • Radius = 5 units

    • Centre = (0,0)

    Finding distance between the two points :-

    \sf\implies Distance = \sqrt{ (0+4)^2+(2-0)^2} \\\\\sf\implies Distance = \sqrt{ 16 + 4 } \\\\\sf\implies Distance =\sqrt{20}\\\\\sf\implies\red{ Distance = 4.47 }

    Here we can see that the distance of point from centre is less than the radius.

    Hence the point lies within the circle .

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Giải phương trình 1 ẩn: x + 2 - 2(x + 1) = -x . Hỏi x = ? ( )