Consider an electron on the surface of a uniformly charged sphere of radius 1.2 cm and total charge 1.4 10-15 C. What is the “escape speed”


Consider an electron on the surface of a uniformly charged sphere of radius 1.2 cm and total charge 1.4 10-15 C. What is the “escape speed” for this electron

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Calantha 3 years 2021-09-04T21:59:00+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    electric potential of electron

    = k Qq / r

    = – 9 x 10⁹ x 1.4 x 10⁻¹⁵ x 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ / ( 1.2 x 10⁻² )

    = – 16.8 x 10⁻²³ J

    If v be the escape velocity

    1/2 m v² = potential energy of electron

    = 1/2 x 9.1 x 10⁻³¹ x v² = 16.8 x 10⁻²³

    v² = 3.69 x 10⁸

    v = 1.92 x 10⁴ m /s

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