Calculate the work done (in J) by a 90.0 kg man who pushes a crate 4.25 m up along a ramp that makes an angle of 20.0° with the horizontal (


Calculate the work done (in J) by a 90.0 kg man who pushes a crate 4.25 m up along a ramp that makes an angle of 20.0° with the horizontal (see below). He exerts a force of 535 N on the crate parallel to the ramp and moves at a constant speed. Be certain to include the work he does on the crate and on his body to get up the ramp.

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bonexptip 3 years 2021-09-04T11:58:44+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    W = 3.4×0³ J.


    The work done by the man is given by the following equation:

     W = F_{t}\cdot d     (1)

    where W: is the work, Ft is the total force and d: is the displacement = 4.25 m.  

    We need to find first the total force Ft, which is:

     Ft = Fm + W

    where Fm: is the force exerted by the man = 535 N, W: is the weight = m*g*sin(θ), m: is the mass of the man, g: is the gravitational acceleration = 9.81 m/s², and θ: is the angle = 20.0°.  

     F_{t} = Fm + W = 500 N + 90.0 kg*9.81 m/s^{2} * sin(20.0) = 802.0 N

    Hence, the work is:

     W = 802.0 N \cdot 4.25 m = 3.4 \cdot 10 ^{3} J  

    Therefore, the work done by the man is 3.4×10³ J.  

    I hope it helps you!      

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