An object is known to have a coefficient of kinetic friction (µk) of 0.167 and a coefficient of static friction (µk) of 0.42. If the normal


An object is known to have a coefficient of kinetic friction (µk) of 0.167 and a coefficient of static friction (µk) of 0.42. If the normal force is 200 N, how much frictional force will it encounter while it is moving?

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Trúc Chi 3 years 2021-08-26T19:47:05+00:00 1 Answers 71 views 0

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    Ff = 33.4N


    To find the frictional force while the object is moving, you take into account that the friction force depends of the coefficient of kinetic friction.

    The frictional force is given by:

    F_f=\mu_kN         (1)

    Ff: frictional force = ?

    µk: coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.167

    N: normal force of the object = 200N

    You replace the values of the parameters in the equation (1):


    The frictional force, while the objects is moving, is 33.4N

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