A snowmobile has an initial velocity of +3.5 m/s. If it accelerates at the rate of −0.89m/s^2, how long will it take to reach a comple


A snowmobile has an initial velocity of +3.5 m/s.
If it accelerates at the rate of −0.89m/s^2, how long will it take to reach a complete
Answer in units of s.

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Ngọc Diệp 3 years 2021-07-16T14:46:40+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

Answers ( )


    The snowmobile’s velocity at time t is

    v = 3.5 m/s + (-0.89 m/s²) t

    We want to know the time t it takes for v to reach 0, so we solve

    0 = 3.5 m/s + (-0.89 m/s²) t

    3.5 m/s = (0.89 m/s²) t

    t = (3.5 m/s) / (0.89 m/s²)

    t ≈ 3.93 s

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