A high school physics student claims her muscle car can achieve a constant acceleration of 10 ft/s/s. Her friend develops an accelerometer t


A high school physics student claims her muscle car can achieve a constant acceleration of 10 ft/s/s. Her friend develops an accelerometer to confirm the feat. The accelerometer consists of a 1 ft long rod (mass=4 kg) with one end attached to the ceiling of the car, but free to rotate. During acceleration, the rod rotates. What will be the angle of rotation of the rod during this acceleration? Assume the road is flat and straight.

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Diễm Kiều 3 years 2021-08-08T12:20:54+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    Answer: Ф = 17.2657 ≈ 17°


    we simply apply ET =0 about the ending of the rod

    so In.g.L/2sinФ – In.a.L/2cosФ = 0

    g.sinФ – a.cosФ = 0

    g.sinФ = a.cosФ

    ∴ tanФ = a/g

    Ф =  tan⁻¹ a / g

    Ф = tan⁻¹ ( 10 / 32.17405)

    Ф = tan⁻¹ 0.31080948777

    Ф = 17.2657 ≈ 17°

    Therefore the angle of rotation of the rod during this acceleration is 17.2657 ≈ 17°

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