A cubical water tank can contain 1000/125 cubic meters of water. Find the length of a side of the water tank. 2 meters


A cubical water tank can contain 1000/125 cubic meters of water. Find the length of a
side of the water tank.
2 meters 3 meters
1/2 meters
1/3 meters

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Jezebel 3 years 2021-08-03T15:54:24+00:00 1 Answers 14 views 0

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    2 meters.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    We know that a cube of sidelength L has a volume:

    V = L^3

    Here, we know that the volume of water that the cube can hold is:

    (1000/125) m^3

    Then the volume of our cube is exactly that:

    V = (1000/125) m^3

    Then we have the equation:

    L^3 = (1000/125) m^3

    Which we can solve for L

    L = ∛((1000/125) m^3 ) = (∛1000/∛125) m

    Where we used that:

    ∛(a/b) = ∛a/∛b

    Solving the cubic roots, we get:

    L = (10/5) m = 2m

    The length of the side of the water tank is 2 meters.

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