⦁ A car going 50 m/s is brought to rest in a distance of 20.0 m as it strikes a pile of dirt. How large an average force is exerted by seatb


⦁ A car going 50 m/s is brought to rest in a distance of 20.0 m as it strikes a pile of dirt. How large an average force is exerted by seatbelts on a 90 kg passenger as the car is stopped?

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3 years 2021-09-03T18:06:39+00:00 1 Answers 40 views 0

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    the average force exerted by seatbelts on the passenger is 5625 N.



    initial velocity of the car, u = 50 m/s

    distance traveled by the car, s = 20 m

    final velocity of the after coming to rest, v = 0

    mass of the passenger, m = 90 kg

    Determine the acceleration of the car as it hit the pile of dirt;

    v² = u² + 2as

    0 = 50² + (2 x 20)a

    0 = 2500 + 40a

    40a = -2500

    a = -2500/40

    a = -62.5 m/s²

    The deceleration of the car is 62.5 m/s²

    The force exerted on the passenger by the backward action of the car is calculated as follows;

    F = ma

    F = 90 x 62.5

    F = 5625 N

    Therefore, the average force exerted by seatbelts on the passenger is 5625 N.

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