A ball is thrown with an initial velocity of 70 km per second, at an angle of 35° with the horizontal. Find the vertical and horizontal com


A ball is thrown with an initial velocity of 70 km per second, at an angle  of 35° with the horizontal. Find the vertical and horizontal components  of the velocity.                ​

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Cherry 3 years 2021-08-18T18:08:40+00:00 1 Answers 0 views 0

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    i. The horizontal component of the ball = 15.8

    ii. The vertical component of the ball = 11.2

    Step-by-step explanation:

    A thrown ball is an example of a projectile, whose motion can be explained with respect to both horizontal and vertical components.

    Horizontal component of the ball = U Cos θ

    Vertical component of the ball = U Sin θ

    where U is the initial velocity of the ball, and θ is the angle of projection.

    Thus for the given question,

    U = 70 km/hr (19.44 m/s)

    θ = 35°

    So that;

    i. The horizontal component of the ball = 19.44 Cos 35°

                                                   = 19.44 x 0.8192

                                                   = 15.785

    The horizontal component of the ball = 15.8.

    ii. The vertical component of the ball = 19.44 Sin 35°

                                                    = 19.44 x 0.5736

                                                    = 11.151

    The vertical component of the ball = 11.2

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