An initially motionless test car is accelerated uniformly to 120 km/h in 8.28 s before striking a simulated deer. The car is in contact with


An initially motionless test car is accelerated uniformly to 120 km/h in 8.28 s before striking a simulated deer. The car is in contact with the faux fawn for 0.815 s, after which the car is measured to be traveling at 71.0 km/h. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car before the collision

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RobertKer 3 years 2021-07-25T23:46:45+00:00 1 Answers 125 views 0

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    The value is    a =  4.0 \ m/s^2


    From the question we are told that  

      The velocity  is  a =  120 \  km/h =  [tex]\frac{120 *  1000}{3600} =  33.3 \  m/s[/tex]

      The time taken is t  =  8.28 \  s

        The  time taken for contact is  t_c  =  0.815 \  s

         The  velocity of the of the car after contact is v_c =  71.0 \  km/h = [tex]\frac{71 *1000}{3600} =  19.7 2 \  m/s[/tex]

    From the equation of kinematics we have that  

           v =  u  + at

    Here   u =  0 \ m/s  since the car is initially motionless

    =>     33.3 =  0  + a *  8.28

    =>     a =  4.0 \ m/s^2

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