100 students are interviewed to see which of biology, chemistry or physics they prefer. 42 of the students are girls. 5 of the girls like bi


100 students are interviewed to see which of biology, chemistry or physics they prefer. 42 of the students are girls. 5 of the girls like biology best. 4 of the boys prefer physics. 13 out of the 21 who prefer chemistry are girls. What percentage of the students prefer biology?

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niczorrrr 3 years 2021-07-31T06:35:07+00:00 1 Answers 45 views 0

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    A total of 51 people prefer biology, 51%

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Girls: 42

    Boys: 58

    Biology: 5 girls and 46 boys(100-42=58, 58-[4+8]=46)

    Physics: 4 boys and 24 girls(42-[5+13])

    Chemistry: 13 girls and 8 boys(21-13=8)

    I think this is the answer…

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