1. In nature, most organisms produce through sexual reproduction. However, there are some that undergo (4)_____. Plants like strawberries an


1. In nature, most organisms produce through sexual reproduction. However, there are some that undergo (4)_____. Plants like strawberries and potatoes grow without seeds and spores, instead of using (5)____. In (6)______, you have a single-celled organism that copies the information inside of itself and divides into two identical organisms. Through (7)______, new organisms like yeast grow on parent organisms and split off once they’re mature enough to survive independently. This isn’t to be confused with (8)_____, which involves organisms splitting apart and growing independently of one another.

Word Bank for #4-8:
• budding
• binary fission
• vegetative propagation
• asexual reproduction
• fragmentation

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Hồng Cúc 3 years 2021-09-03T17:37:30+00:00 1 Answers 469 views 0

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    (4) asexual reproduction (5) vegetative propagation (6) binary fission (7) budding (8) fragmentation

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