1.A five – layer of cake weighs half a kilogram per layer.In each layer,the cake is decorated with icing which weighs 15g.3 candles which we


1.A five – layer of cake weighs half a kilogram per layer.In each layer,the cake is decorated with icing which weighs 15g.3 candles which weighs 100g each is added.What is the total weight in kilogram of the fully decorated cake?​

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Diễm Thu 3 years 2021-07-28T02:58:37+00:00 1 Answers 87 views 0

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    Answer:  2.815 kilograms


    Work Shown:

    1 layer = 0.5 kg

    5 layers = 5*(0.5 kg) = 2.5 kg

    icing = 15 g = 15/1000 = 0.015 kg

    1 candle = 100 g = 100/1000 = 0.1 kg

    3 candles = 3*(0.1 kg) = 0.3 kg


    The five layers combine to 2.5 kg. On top of that we have 0.015 kg of icing, and then finally the three candles add 0.3 kg more weight.

    The total weight is therefore: 2.5+0.015+0.3 = 2.815 kilograms

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