Yvonne was asked to construct a line through P that is perpendicular to the given line segment AB for homework. Yvonne forgot he


Yvonne was asked to construct a line through P that is perpendicular to the given line segment AB for homework.

Yvonne forgot her notebook in her locker. She remembers the first step of the construcyion: Place the point of the compass on point P and draw an arc that crosses AB twice. Label the two points of intersection C and D. What is the next step in the construction?

A. Draw a line segment through point P and R, making PR perpendicular to AB.
B. Kepping the compass at same width as in the previous step, place the compass on point D, and repeat the previous step.
C. Place the compass on point and mark an arc above AB that goes through P, and a similar arc below AB.
D. Draw a point where the arcs drawn intersect. Label the point R.

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Ladonna 3 years 2021-08-06T04:48:24+00:00 1 Answers 30 views 0

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    Answer: C

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Place the compass on point and mark an arc above AB that goes through P, and a similar arc below AB.

    I just did the CYU and this was correct

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