Yellowstone National Park is a popular field trip destination. This year the senior class at High School A and the senior class at High Scho


Yellowstone National Park is a popular field trip destination. This year the senior class at High School A and the senior class at High School B both planned trips there. The senior class at High School A rented and filled 12 vans and 6 buses with 306 students. High School B rented and filled 12 vans and 9 buses with 369 students. Each van and each bus carried the same number of students. How many students can a van carry? How many students can a bus carry?

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MichaelMet 3 years 2021-09-04T15:23:32+00:00 1 Answers 13 views 0

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    Your answer is…..

    A bus carries 20 students

    Van = 15.5 or 16

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