Two planets, planet A and planet B, have the same surface gravity. However, planet B has twice the radius of planet A. How does the mass of


Two planets, planet A and planet B, have the same surface gravity. However, planet B has twice the radius of planet A. How does the mass of planet B compare to the mass of planet A

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Diễm Thu 3 years 2021-08-17T06:46:33+00:00 2 Answers 83 views 0

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    what he said




    • If the two Two planets, planet A and planet B, have the same surface gravity. However, planet B has twice the radius of planet A.Then the one with larger radius can be termed as the one with larger mass due to the fact that radius is considered to be the distance,r from the center of the body towards the surface point or circumference.
    • So,lets say that at first the radius of the two bodies is same which was about 1 cm then by changing it 2 for the B body we will get the following results, “(r)²”.
    • For the body B, we will have the following results, as B=4 cm.
    • Which means that by increase in the radius of the body the total mass increase as it is, Mass,m=Radius,r.
    • So, we will get the results as having four times greater mass,m of the body “B” as compared to body “A”.  

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