Two charges originally separated by a certain distance are moved farther apart until the force between them has decreased by a factor of 10.


Two charges originally separated by a certain distance are moved farther apart until the force between them has decreased by a factor of 10. (a) Is the new distance (1) less than 10, (2) equal to 10, or (3) greater than 10 times the original distance? Why?

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Ben Gia 4 years 2021-09-05T14:39:49+00:00 1 Answers 14 views 0

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    New distance is less than 10.


    The force acting between two charges is given by :


    k is the electrostatic constant

    d is the distance between charges

    If two charges originally separated by a certain distance are moved farther apart until the force between them has decreased by a factor of 10, F'=\dfrac{F}{10}  

    New force is given by :



    d'=\sqrt{10} \times d

    So, the new distance is \sqrt{10} times the original distance i.e. the new distance is less than 10 times the original distance. Hence, the correct option is (1).

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