The following table displays the number of sofas sold in a furniture store during certain months of the year. Furniture Store Sofa Sal


The following table displays the number of sofas sold in a furniture store during certain months of the year.
Furniture Store Sofa Sales
January 255
February 234
March 263
April 229
May 248

Based on these data, which statement is correct?

A. There are outliers.

B. The mean best describes the data.

C. The median best describes the data.

D. The measure of variability that best describes the data is the IQR, 27.5.

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Diễm Kiều 3 years 2021-07-18T18:11:28+00:00 1 Answers 24 views 0

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    I think answer should be d. Please give me brainlest let me know if it’s correct or not okay thanks bye

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