which of the following molecules would you expect to have a dipole moment of zero? a,CH2 Ch3 bH2C=0 cCH2cl dNH3​


which of the following molecules would you expect to have a dipole moment of zero? a,CH2 Ch3

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Thông Đạt 3 years 2021-07-21T12:28:30+00:00 1 Answers 27 views 0

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    Answer: The molecule CH_{3}-CH_{3} is expected to have a dipole moment of zero.


    The product of magnitude of the charge calculated in electrostatic units is called dipole moment.

    Formula for dipole moment is as follows.

    Dipole moment = Charge (in esu) \times distance (in cm)

    Non-polar molecules have zero dipole moment.

    For example, CH_{3}-CH_{3} is a non-polar molecule so its dipole moment is zero.

    H_{2}C=O is a polar molecule so it will have dipole moment.

    CH_{2}Cl_{2} is a polar molecule so it will have dipole moment.

    NH_{3} has nitrogen atom as more electronegative than hydrogen atom. So, net dipole moment will be in the direction of nitrogen atom.

    Thus, we can conclude that the molecule CH_{3}-CH_{3} is expected to have a dipole moment of zero.

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