Which function is quadratic? A {=5.3), (-2.0), (1, 3). (4. 6)) B {(-2, 12), (0.2), (2.-8). (4, -18)} C {(0, -126), (4, -14


Which function is quadratic?
A {=5.3), (-2.0), (1, 3). (4. 6))
B {(-2, 12), (0.2), (2.-8). (4, -18)}
C {(0, -126), (4, -14), (8, 2).(12,18)
D {(0, -10), (1.-7), (2, 2), (3. 17)}

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Thanh Thu 3 years 2021-09-05T16:54:28+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    step 1. A, B,D are incorrectly written as these are not all coordinates. they must be written (x, y)

    step 2. so the question becomes is C a quadratic

    step 3. The x values must be evenly spaced. the x values are evenly spaced by a difference of 4

    step 4. write out the y values: -126, -14, 2, 18

    step 5. write out the differences: 140, 16, 16

    step 6. write out the differences: -124, 0.

    step 7. after doing this twice the numbers nust be the same for this to be a quadratic which they aren’t

    step 8. C is not a quadratic.

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