Two bicyclists ride in opposite directions. The speed of the second bicyclist is 5 miles per hour faster than the first. After 2 hours they


Two bicyclists ride in opposite directions. The speed of the second bicyclist is 5 miles per hour faster than the first. After 2 hours they are 70 miles apart. Find their rates. A. 15 mi/h; 20 mi/h B. 32.5 mi/h; 37.5 mi/h C. 20 mi/h; 25 mi/h

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Thiên Thanh 3 years 2021-08-28T07:04:38+00:00 2 Answers 11 views 0

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    A. 15 mi/h; 20 mi/hr


    Let y mi/h be the speed of first bicyclist. According to the problem, (y + 5) mi/h  be the speed of second bicyclist.

    After 2 hours,

    Distance covered by first bicyclist, d₁ = 2y

    Distance covered by second bicyclist, d₂ = 2(y+5)

    Since, the two bicyclist are moving in opposite directions. Thus sum of their

    distance is equal to the total distance they are apart, that is,

    d₁ + d₂ = 70

    2y + 2(y+5) = 70

    4y + 10 = 70

    4y = 60

    y = 60/4 = 15 mi/h

    Speed of first bicyclist = y = 15 mi/h

    Speed of second bicyclist = y + 5 = 15 + 5 = 20 mi/h



    A. 15 mi/h; 20 mi/hr


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