The vertices of ΔJKL are J(–3, –2), K(1, 4), and L(4, 2). Which coordinate pairs are vertices of D5(ΔJKL)? Select all that apply.


The vertices of ΔJKL are J(–3, –2), K(1, 4), and L(4, 2). Which coordinate pairs are vertices of D5(ΔJKL)? Select all that apply.

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Hưng Khoa 3 years 2021-09-02T07:55:09+00:00 1 Answers 237 views 0

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    J’ = (-15, -10)

    K’ = (5, 20)

    L’ = (20, 10)

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given the coordinates J(–3, –2), K(1, 4), and L(4, 2)

    D5(ΔJKL) means we need to dilate the coordinates by a constant of 5

    To do that, we will multiply the coordinates by a value of 5


    J’ =  (5(–3), 5(–2)),

    J’ = (-15, -10)

    K’ = (5(1), 5(4))

    K’ = (5, 20)

    L’ = (5(4), 5(2))

    L’ = (20, 10)

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