One of the two slits in a Young’s experiment is painted over so that it transmits only one-half the intensity of the other slit. As a result


One of the two slits in a Young’s experiment is painted over so that it transmits only one-half the intensity of the other slit. As a result:
A. the fringe system disappears
B. the bright fringes get brighter and the dark ones get darker
C. the fringes just get dimmer
D. the dark fringes just get brighter
E. the dark fringes get brighter and the bright ones get darker

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Euphemia 3 years 2021-08-08T11:55:23+00:00 1 Answers 27 views 0

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    B. the bright fringes get brighter and the dark ones get darker


    Let us consider when the intensities are equal, we use the equation

    I_{max} = I_{1}  + I_{2}  + 2\sqrt{I*I}     for light fringes and,

    I_{min} = I_{1}  + I_{2}  - 2\sqrt{I*I}     for dark fringes  

    where I_{1} and I_{1} are the light intensities from the first and second slits respectively.

    For the first case where the light from the two slits have the same intensities, we can say both have intensity I

    I_{max} = I + I + 2\sqrt{I*I} = 2I + 2I = 4I

    I_{min} = I + I - 2\sqrt{I*I} = 2I - 2I = 0

    For the case where one of the intensities has half the intensity of the other.

    one has intensity I and the other one has intensity \frac{I}{2}

    inserting, we have

    I_{max} = I + \frac{I}{2}  + 2\sqrt{I*\frac{I}{2}} = 2.932I

    I_{min} = I + \frac{I}{2}  - 2\sqrt{I*\frac{I}{2}} = 0.068I

    this shows that the bright fringes get brighter and the dark ones get darker.

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