If you halve the pressure of a constant amount of gas at a constant temperature, what happens to the volume? If you halve the pressure of a


If you halve the pressure of a constant amount of gas at a constant temperature, what happens to the volume? If you halve the pressure of a constant amount of gas at a constant temperature, what happens to the volume? The volume quadruples. The volume is one-half the initial volume. The volume doubles. The volume does not change g.

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Thiên Hương 3 years 2021-09-04T22:00:48+00:00 1 Answers 2 views 0

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    The volume doubles


    As per the Boyle’s law for ideal gases if the gas sample temperature is kept constant, the sample volume varies inversely with the changing pressure. This declaration means the volume will decrease if the pressure increases. The volume will increase if the pressure drops. This regulation can be described like an equation which relates the initial (V1) volume and the initial (P1) pressure to the final (V2) volume and pressure (P2). At a constant heat.

    ⇒P1V1 = P2V2

    Given P2 = P1/2

    ⇒ V1 = V2/2

    V2 = 2V1

    The volume doubles

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