How far away is a RR Lyrae variable star if it has a period of 0.5 days and a brightness of 2.3 x 10^-11 W/m^2?


How far away is a RR Lyrae variable star if it has a period of 0.5 days and a brightness of 2.3 x 10^-11 W/m^2?

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RuslanHeatt 3 years 2021-08-24T03:39:03+00:00 1 Answers 11 views 0

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    The answer is d =10^6.43 Mpc



    To calculate the absolute magnitude of the star, we apply or use the relation with the period

    Mv = – [ 2.76 (log₁₀ (P) – 1.0)] -4.16

    Here P =+ 0.5 days

    Mv = – 0.569

    To calculate m, we have the following relation given below:

    Mₓ = – 2.5 Log₁₀ (Fₓ/Fₓ,0)

    Fₓ,0 = 1 w/m² (This is assumed)

    Fₓ = 2.3 * 10^-11 W/m^2 (Given)


    Mₓ = – 2.5 Log₁₀ (2.3 * 10^ ⁻11

    Mₓ = 26.595

    Now, applying the formula we have the following given below:

    d = ₁₀ ( Mₓ -Mv + 5)/5

    d =₁₀ (26.595 – 0.569 +5)/5

    d =10^6.43 Mpc

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