how does a centripetal force cause circular motion? A. it acts at a right angle to the objects motion and causes the object to


how does a centripetal force cause circular motion?

A. it acts at a right angle to the objects motion and causes the object to constantly change direction

B. it acts at a right angle to the objects motion and causes the object to constantly change speed

C. it acts in the direction of the objects motion and causes the object to constantly change direction

D. it acts in the direction of the objects motion and causes the object to constantly change speed.

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Mộc Miên 3 years 2021-07-23T13:32:33+00:00 2 Answers 73 views 0

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    A. it acts at a right angle to the objects motion and causes the object to constantly change direction

    Centripetal force comes from the Latin, centrum = centre and petere=to seek. It acts perpendicular to the object path, towards the center of the curve. This results in change of the direction of the object’s velocity but not in change of object’s speed.


    The direction changes but not the speed…..

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