A tuba may be treated like a tube closed at one end. If a tuba has a fundamental frequency of 88.4 Hz, determine the first three overtones.


A tuba may be treated like a tube closed at one end. If a tuba has a fundamental frequency of 88.4 Hz, determine the first three overtones. Use 343 m/s as the speed of sound in air.

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Dâu 3 years 2021-08-06T18:37:11+00:00 1 Answers 12 views 0

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    Answer with Explanation:

    We are given that

    Fundamental frequency,f=88.4 Hz

    Speed of sound,v=343 m/s

    We have to find the first three overtones.

    Tube is closed

    The overtone of closed pipe  is equal to odd number of fundamental frequency.

    Therefore, the overtone of tuba


    Where n=3,5,7,..

    Substitute n=3

    f'=3\times 88.4=265.2Hz

    For second overtone

    f'=5\times 88.4=442Hz

    For third overtone

    f'=7\times 88.4=618.8Hz

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