A student weighs a sample of sugar and records the measurement. He then writes down his his observations on the appearance of the sugar desc


A student weighs a sample of sugar and records the measurement. He then writes down his his observations on the appearance of the sugar describing it as a white crystalline solid. Explain why both of these pieces of information represent data that the student collected.

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Hải Đăng 3 years 2021-08-15T16:54:49+00:00 1 Answers 60 views 0

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    These pieces of information were obtained by the student because they are empirical observations carried out by him/her.

    An empirical observation is one that is a product of experiment or by careful measurement.

    We are presented with a scenario that shows that the student took his measurement on the scale. He is attempting to determine the mass of the sugar.

    He also describes the appearance of the sugar. This he did himself and can be credited to him.

    We can even summarize the data obtained as the physical properties of the sugar.

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